Arcane Bullshit is a deck of 100 fortune-telling cards, featuring some of the weirdest images and words ever printed. I created this deck because tarot takes itself way too fucking seriously. The occult should be less about rules and formalities and way more about creativity and dick jokes.
Latest Updates from Our Project:
The Shitclock is ticking!
over 6 years ago
– Fri, Sep 28, 2018 at 01:31:01 AM
Hey there!
What a fun time it's been collecting all your survey data! I really feel like I've gotten to know each and every one of you, like some kind of supreme omniscient over-creep. 80% of you have completed your surveys, which is really a top-notch number. You know what number is better though? Sure, 69 is #NICE, and 666 is also significant for some evil reason, but 100 is our target in this case. Let's do 100.
How to Complete your Survey
If you're one of the 222 backers who hasn't yet responded to the survey, please check your inbox for anything from BackerKit, specifically anything with the subject line "Response Needed -- Get your reward for Arcane Bullshit Tarot". Is that not a compelling call to action? It's definitely not a scam, I can assure you. If I were going to scam you, you would have already put 3-6 pints of your plasma into a rubber bat and mailed it to Kiev. (If you have already done this, thanks. The kiddie pool is almost full, and the hyena is getting really excited.) So yes, check your inbox. Follow the link, then do as you're instructed. It should all be pretty straightforward but message me if you run into any issues.
If that doesn't work, message me here on Kickstarter, comment below, or email me at [email protected]. I can fix it.
I'm hoping to shut down the survey by October 9. That's about a week from now. That's your deadline.
Other Shit
Once we get this survey business out of the way, I can get back to working on other stuff and updating you about it exhaustively. For example, I have done the following things since the last update:
Redesign work on the card borders and backgrounds is under way. Don't expect anything too drastic, but I think the overall look is going to be much cleaner, and will present the artwork better.
The design for the back of the card is just about locked.
Orders are in for the patches, stickers, posters, pins, and bags – so I should have sample photos to share soon. Check out my Instagram and/or Facebook for regular photographic updates.
I have just about finalized a design for the front of the deck packaging. It's going to somewhat resemble the work in progress image below. I did a few other cool white on black designs which you can check out on my Instagram.
What do you think? More dicks?
I think that's everything for now. Again, thank you all for being wonderful instruments of Bullshit. Every single person who has messaged me, even out of confusion or frustration, has been incredibly nice. I'm always here if you need anything.
Personal Shit
over 6 years ago
– Fri, Sep 21, 2018 at 10:53:14 PM
It's time for more participation! I'll be sending out surveys to collect info about everyone's rewards in the next few minutes.
Surveys, by BackerKit
Keep an eye on your email for anything from BackerKit. They're helping facilitate this process, and should make everything super easy. Just answer their questions, and everything will be fine. They will also make it easy to add things to your orders, should you require supplementary bullshit. A bullshit enhancement is nothing to be ashamed of, and will NOT affect your delivery timeline.
Here is an artist's rendering how how this process will work:
Remember, BackerKit is your friend.
If you have any questions at all about this process, feel free to get in touch with either BackerKit customer service, or myself.
There will come a time within the next couple weeks when I will stop collecting information, so it's important that you complete your survey as soon as possible. Between BackerKit and myself you will receive plenty of reminders before your time is up. More info on deadlines will come soon.
What's Next?
After I've got all the orders locked in, I can start buying stuff! I'll try and supply you with regular updates as I collect thousands of things and put them all in the mail. I'm also still working on the actual deck. We're in the process of updating the card borders and backgrounds, then we'll do the packaging and booklet. This should be done by the end of October. I'll keep you updated as the artwork comes together.
That's it for now!
over 6 years ago
– Thu, Sep 20, 2018 at 12:56:30 AM
Greetings, oh hallowedest inner circle!
We did another thing! We chose a bonus card! Together! Like a thousand-faced democracy beast!
The chosen card is: Holy Shit, Stop Asking, with 129 votes.
I know the vote was split among some really fantastic submissions, but this is a very strong choice. Congrats, Ysabel, for submitting the winning idea. I chose this card for the top ten because of its very high "sass factor", and of course, because I love swearing.
I'm going to take some time now to figure out how this should be interpreted visually. I have a few ideas – but if you want to make some suggestions below, I'll probably politely ignore them!
In other news, BackerKit surveys will be going out any day now, so get ready. Clean your survey lounge, dust off your survey gloves, and release the survey wolves. I've added one NEW item to the BackerKit store, which you can very easily add to your order. It's the BRAND NEW Arcane Bullshit tarot cloth/bandana. I would have loved to include this as a stretch goal, but I really wasn't prepared. So it's not free, but I'm offering it at a discounted price if you grab one now.